My notes and highlights on the book.

Author: Andriy Burkov

Available here

Ch1. Introduction

When we deploy a model in production, we usually deploy an entire pipeline

Machine learning engineering (MLE):

  • encompasses data collection, model training, making the model available for use
  • includes any activity that lets ML algorithms be implemented as a part of an effective production system

ML Engineer:

  • concerned with sourcing the data (from multiple locations), preprocessing it, programming features, training an effective model that will coexist in production with other processes
  • stable, maintanable and easily accessible
  • ML systems “fail silently” -> must be capable of preventing such failures or to know how to detect and handle them

When to use ML

Your problem:

  • too complex for coding
  • constantly changing
  • perceptive (image, text, etc)
  • unstudied phenomenon
  • has a simple objective
  • it is cost-effective

When not to use ML

  • explainability is needed
  • errors are intolerable
  • traditional SWE is a less expensive option
  • all inputs and outputs can be enumerated and saved in a DB
  • data is hard to get or too expensive

ML Project Life Cycle

Ch2. Before the Project Starts

Impact of ML

High when:

  • ML can replace a complex part of your engineering project
  • there’s great benefit in getting inexpensive (but probably imperfect) predictions

Cost of ML


  • difficulty of the problem
  • cost of data
  • need for accuracy

Nonlinear progress

Progress in ML is nonlinear. Prediction error decreases fast in the beginning, but then gradually slows down

  • Make sure the PO (or client) understands the constraints and risks
  • Log every activity and track the time it took (helps with reporting and estimations of complexity in the future)

Why ML projects fail

  • lack of experienced talent
  • lack of support by the leadership
  • missing data infrastructure
  • data labeling challenge
  • siloed organizations and lack of collaboration
  • technically infeasible projects
  • lack of alignment between technical and business teams

Ch3. Data Collections and Preparation

Train, Validation and Test sets partition

  • Data was randomized before the split
  • Split was applied to raw data
  • Validation and test sets follow the same distribution
  • Leakage was avoided

Data Sampling strategies

  • random sampling
  • systematic sampling
  • stratified sampling
  • cluster sampling

Data versioning is a critical element in supervised learning when the labeling is done by multiple labelers

Dataset Documentation

  • what the data means
  • how it was collected
  • methods used to creat it
  • details of train-validation-test splits
  • details of all pre-processing steps
  • explanation of any data that were excluded
  • format used to store it
  • types of attributes/features
  • number of examples
  • possible values for labels / allowable range for a numerical target

Ch4. Feature Engineering

Good features

  • high predictive power
  • can be computed fast
  • reliable
  • uncorrelated

The distribution of feature values in the training set should be similar to the distribution of values the production model will receive

Feature selection techniques

  • Cutting the long tail
  • Boruta
  • L1 regularization

Best practices

  • scale features
  • store and document in schema files or feature stores
  • keep code, model and training data in sync

“Feature extraction code is one of the most important parts of a machine learning system. It must be extensively and systematically tested”

Ch5. Supervised Model Training (Part 1)


Baseline: a model or algorithm that provides a reference point for comparison. Establish a baseline performance on your problem before start working on a predictive model.

  • simple learning algorithm or
  • rule-based or heuristic algorithm (simple statistic)
    • random prediction
    • zero rule algorithm (e.g., always predict the most common class in the training set / average if regression)
  • human baseline: Amazon Mechanical Turk (MT) service -> web-platform where people solve simple tasks for a reward

In-memory vs. out-of-memory

If the dataset can’t be fully loaded in RAM -> incremental learning algorithms: can improve the model by reading data gradually (Naive Bayes, neural networks)

Precision and Recall

  • Precision: ratio of true positive predictions to the overall number of positive PREDICTIONS
  • Recall: ratio of true positive predictions to the overall number of positive EXAMPLES


  • positive real beta
  • beta = 2 -> weighs recall twice as high as precision
  • beta = 0.5 -> weighs recall twice as low as precision

Precision-recall and bias-variance tradeoffs

By varying the complexity of the model, we can reach the so-called “zone of solutions”, a situation in which both bias and variance of the model are relatively low. The solution that optimizes the performance metric is usually found inside that zone

Ch6. Supervised Model Training (Part 2)


Ch7. Model Evaluation


  • estimate legal risks of putting the model in production
  • understand the distribution of the data used to train the model
  • evaluate the performance of the model prior to deployment
  • monitor the performance of the deployed model

A/B Testing

  • A: served the old model
  • B: served the new model
  • apply a statistical significance test to decide whether the new model is statistically different from the old model

Multi-armed bandit

  • start by randomly exposing all models to the users
  • gradually reduce the exposure of the least-performing models until only one (the best performing) gets served most of the time


  • technique (statistical procedure) to compute a statistical interval for any metric
  • consists of building N samples of a dataset
  • then training a model
  • and computing some statistic using each of those N samples

Ch8. Model Deployment

Deployment patterns

  • statically
    • installable binary of the entire software
    • positive: fast execution time for the user; don’t have to upload user data to server (user privacy); can be called when the user is offline; keeping the model operation is user’s responsibility
    • negative: hard to upgrade model without upgrading whole app; may have messy computational requirements; difficult to monitor the model performance
  • dynamically on the user’s device
    • similar to static (user runs part of the system on their device), but the model is not a part of the binary code of the app
    • positive: better separation of concerns (easier to update); fast for the user (cheaper for the org’s servers)
    • negative: varies depending on strategy; difficult to monitor the model performance
  • dynamically on a server:
    • place the model on servers and make it available as REST API or gRPC service
  • model streaming

Deployment strategies

  • single: simplest -> serialize new model to file, replace the old one
  • silent: new and old version runs in parallel during the switch
  • canary: pushes new version to a small fraction of users, while keep the old one running for most
  • multi-armed bandit (MAB): way to compare one or more versions of the model in the production env, and select the best performing one

“The model must be applied to the end-to-end and confidence test data by simulating a regular call from the outside”

Algorithmic efficiency

  • important consideration in model deployment
  • you should only write your own code when it’s absolutely necessary
  • caching speeds up the application when it contains resource-consuming functions frequently called with the same parameter values

Ch9. Model Serving, Monitoring, and Maintenance

Effective runtime

  • secure
  • correct
  • ensures ease of deployment and recovery
  • provides guarantees of model validity
  • avoids training/serving skew and hidden feedback loops

Serving modes

  • batch: when applied to big data and some latency is tolerable
  • on-demand: wrapped into a REST API

What can go wrong with the model in production

  • more training data made the model worse
  • properties of the production data changed
  • updated feature extraction code
  • resource needed for feature changed/unavailable
  • model is abused or under an adversarial attack


  • automated value calculation for the performance metrics -> send alert if change significantly
  • distribution shift
  • numerical instability
  • decreasing computational performance
  • logs


“Most ML models must be regularly or occasionally updated”

how often?

  • error rate / how critical
  • only useful if fresh
  • new training data available fast
  • time it takes to retrain
  • cost to train / deploy the model
  • importance of update for improving the metrics

Ch10. Conclusion
